Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Beyoncé and Jay Z Take the Vegan Challenge in sexy style

Tis the season … to go vegan? Well that's what's happening in Queen Bey's household anyway.
During a time of year when most of us mortals overdose on honey hams, cheese plates and other artery-clogging delights Beyoncé and Jay Z have decided to embrace a plant-based diet. Oh and it was Jay Z's
idea.The day before his 44th birthday the rapper revealed that he was beginning a 22-day challenge to go completely vegan.On his blog he explained that he had already begun dabbling in the eco-friendly fare a few months back when a good friend and vegan encouraged him to try a plant-based breakfast everyday.
It was surprisingly easier on me than I thought… he muses.
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Still, the jump from some greens for breakfast to greens all the time is a pretty big one (especially during the holidays), so why is Blue Ivy's daddy deciding to take the plunge now?
There’s something spiritual to me about it being my 44th birthday and the serendipity behind the number of days in this challenge; 22 (2+2=4) coupled with the fact that the challenge ends on Christmas day he writes before adding It just feels right!Branding it as a spiritual and physical cleanse he notes that he will post progress updates along the way and solicits professional vegans to help him out with restaurant recommendations probably because he needs places to take his better half since Beyoncé is apparently joining him in this mission.Now that's love.
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And it seems his request has been answered, because the power couple was spotted at Real Food Daily in West Hollywood on Tuesday, the first day of the cleanse.
Clad in a patterned jacket sky-high lace-up booties and barely-there shorts Beyoncé reminded the world why she does not need to be on any sort of diet.That said, it's probably worth noting her shorts sure look like they're made of leather which we're fairly certain is not exactly in line with vegan ideals.
Regardless of whether they're going to leave their closets out of the cleanse, they're on their way to their 22-day goal.Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.On the 22nd day you’ve found the way Jay Z explained on his site.And while he notes that he isn't sure what happens after they've reached the Christmas finish line something tells us they'll be happy they made it.

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