Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Alternate Uses For Technology Advancements

Technological improvements happen all the time, with new developments being announced in different fields every day. Whilst it can take a while for new advances to filter through to common place items, it happens at such a rate that there are always new technologies becoming commercially available. If you think about objects which are now common place, such as 3D TVs and iPads, for most, we can remember when the news was heralding them as the newest thing.

Technology moves into many different areas too, with those who stay behind often finding it hard to catch up, or in the case of businesses, ceasing to trade. Many technologies that are developed for one thing get distorted into other areas as people see uses beyond those originally intended.
Changes in the use of technology are common place. Looking back to the radio, its original purpose was to help shipping, but it quickly developed into a source for commercial opportunities and helped with many other advancements, such as television and mobile phone signals. Nearer to today, technology is being utilised across the board, when touch screens were invented, the popularity was expected to be high, but the actual uses and applications have multiplied many times. Most popular on phone and computing devices, the technology has moved into many more sectors; with EPoS Systems in shops, the use of touch screens is almost the norm and even buying a train ticket can be done using the technology.
Looking forward, technologies being developed today for one purpose could easily lead to continued development into other sectors, or used by people with different visions to help create different uses. 3D technology has been used to create holograms of dead performers, but what else will come from it in the future? Voice recognition is getting more popular and is advancing its uses every day, so who knows what progress will be made in the near future? With other troubles in the world, at least it is one thing to look forward to!

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